Friday 17 November 2017

Directional Terminology

While studying the human body, it is vital to know directional terminology. The body
can be described by planes of division (Fig. 3.1). The frontal plane divides the body
into anterior and posterior positions. The frontal plane is also called the coronal plane.
The sagittal plane divides the body into left and right sections; the midsagittal plane
divides the body into equal left and right sections. The transverse plane, which divides
the body into upper and lower sections, is also called the horizontal plane. The body
is also described using anatomical directions as points of reference, as listed.
Anatomical position: standing erect, facing forward, arms at side, palms facing
Anterior (ventral): toward the front; in front of
Caudal (inferior): toward the tail; lower
Cephalad: toward the head; upper
Cranial (superior): toward the head
Deep: far from the surface
Distal: away from a point of reference; farthest from the trunk
Dorsal (posterior): toward the back; in back of
Inferior (caudal): toward the tail; lower
Lateral: away from the midline of the body
Medial: toward the midline of the body
Posterior (dorsal): toward the back; in back of
Proximal: toward or nearest the trunk or point of reference
Superficial: near the surface

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